Child in school staring out the window

Kindness and Understanding IS Discipline

Last week, I accidentally clicked on the bookmark for this blog. I was gutted at the date of the last post. Really? Has it been THAT long? This is absolutely pathetic. I made a commitment right there to get back on the writing horse. I need this therapy now more than ever. 

Since January, I have taken a bit of a reflective journey on my educational beliefs. At least I have tried. As an assistant principal, I spend the bulk of my days in reaction mode. I am working with kids who have made poor choices, helping to solve problems from low staffing to actual mini catastrophes of nature. The stories that can be told by middle school assistant principals are often ones seemingly straight out of a sitcom. Don’t get me wrong. I love it. It just doesn’t leave a lot of time to plan and execute the systems of change about which I am so passionate.

It is no secret that education is seriously hard right now. The sheer amount of students who require far more time and resources than a school can provide is astounding. Difficult behaviors have always been a part of our days, but now there seem to be so many more students who just don’t know how to “do school.” We can blame parents, the COVID pandemic, learning loss, and even lack of staffing, but the truth is, we still have to find ways to reach these students. 

One system I am definitely passionate about is teaching behavior, especially since that is the largest part of my job. My partner and I have spent hours collaborating, creating, and revising lessons and applicable learning modules for student behavior. We have also spent even more time beating our heads against the wall for the 10 percent of students at our school who consistently cannot seem to stop breaking the rules. 

As much as these students continue to break our hearts, we know that their hearts and souls have been broken so many more times than ours. Each and every student that sits in our offices, be it mine, my partner’s, or our principal’s, we take the time to listen. We hear their stories. We hear their parent’s stories. The trauma and tragedy so many of these students have lived are completely unfair and no amount of detention or suspension is going to fix that.

Schools are criticized constantly for not taking a hard line on discipline. The things we have seen students do in the past few years are worthy of harsh consequences. I can’t argue with that, but no consequence a school can dish out is going to change behavior. Behavior is a form of communication. No student shows up to school wanting to misbehave. It is a reaction to some sort of lagging skill. (A GREAT book to check out is Lost at School which explains this way better than me). Schools have to focus on finding out what skills students are lacking– be it academic, social, or emotional– and create a plan that addresses those discrepancies. These students are lost and need guidance from adults to change.

I am fortunate to work at a middle school that has three amazing counselors for our 950 students, as well as two assistant principals. Along with our principal, we have a team that cares deeply for the well-being of our kids. We often wonder if we are too lenient with punishments because we know the trauma and hardships of our difficult students. To some, I’m sure we are. But I’d rather a student leave my office knowing someone cares about them, than the opposite. I treat my students as if they are my own children. You can disappoint me 500 times a day if you like, but I will still forgive you, love you, and route for you until the end.

So, as educators what can we do to “fix” what is happening in our schools? My answer: just keep trying to do whatever we can. That is all we can do. Well, and pray that our efforts will someday make a difference.


Click. Cherish and Remember

In the iconic TV show, The Office, Jim and Pam decide to take mental pictures during the days before and through the moments of their wedding.  Pam says that her aunt told her something neat. “She said everything with the wedding goes by so fast, we should try to take mental pictures of the high points.” They begin to “click” their air cameras when something is worth cherishing. 

It isn’t always easy to stop and realize when a moment is a great moment. I often don’t realize how much a moment can change my attitude or even shape my understanding of the world until after time has passed. 

Last January, I was asked to take over as interim principal of one of our elementary schools in the district. Having never worked at an elementary, I was nervous but excited about the learning opportunity. I knew it was a short gig, so taking a page from Pam and Jim, I decided to bank the moments in my memory that I knew I would miss when I returned to middle school. Each day presented new challenges that often tested my patience and exhausted my toolbox of solutions. But each day, there were moments I will always appreciate and remember.

I will cherish my memory of the 5-year-old sitting in my office in his Yoda sweatshirt, zipped up,  hood on with the ears flapping as he talked. I will cherish the excited faces of the Kindergarteners who introduced me to their newly hatched chicks in their room. I will cherish sitting in the Autism class and playing with kinetic sand to help calm a frustrated child. I will even cherish the time my de-escalation techniques failed and a three-foot-tall TK student punched me in the face. I will cherish all the mental pictures of helping open packages during lunch, watching 4th graders race solar cars, hearing my name excitedly across the campus, and the endless hugs from happy and even frustrated children. 

I have so many mental pictures of moments spent with the staff as well, too many to even list. People who love kids and choose to take on challenges are amazing humans and should be prized daily. They are my people, and I am grateful for the moments I have shared and continue to share with them each day.

This year my goal is to be purposeful in recognizing the high points as they happen and taking those mental pictures.  I am hoping to collect and reflect on those pictures each day. Just like Jim and Pam’s wedding, through the challenges, there are so many high points to appreciate. So don’t be surprised if you see me hold my hands up and click my air camera. Know that at that moment there is something to be remembered and cherished.

Remembering my Dad

When my brother and I were little, my dad would make us help him with everything. My dad was a do-it-yourself king. He refused to pay someone for a job he could do himself. The son of a carpenter and all-around handyman, my dad was brought up by generations of people who fixed things. Of course, many of my dad’s projects involved duct tape and WD40, and finished with Dad uttering the words, “Good enough for government work.” (I used to wonder when the government was coming by to complete their inspection). I remember a particular fence gate that never quite closed right and leaned a little to the left.

Through these weekend projects of fixing fences and sprinklers, cleaning up the yard, and changing car brakes, my brother, Lars, and I were Dad’s assistants. We handed him tools, held the light, and picked up piles of leaves. I knew how to find a 3/8 socket wrench and a pair of channel locks in Dad’s toolbox when I was four years old. Lars and I could tile a bathroom and hang Sheetrock before we could drive.

Lars and I used to think that Dad must have wanted to ruin our Saturday morning cartoon-watching time and keep us from hanging out with our friends on the weekend. One time Lars was holding the ladder while Dad was using his brand-new Wagner spray painter to touch up the facia boards on the house. In the street, the neighborhood kids were playing ball. Lars got distracted watching the game, and my dad sprayed him with the new Wagner, right in the face. “Pay attention and hold the ladder!” Lars and I were so jealous that the other kids didn’t have to work on the weekend.

As we got older, we realized that Dad was teaching us life lessons: how to be problem solvers, how to do home projects on our own, and how to have a clue when talking to contractors and mechanics. Of course, how to hold the ladder and not get sprayed in the face with a paint sprayer was an easier lesson.

In the month since my dad has been gone, I have been thinking a lot about what he has taught me. Looking back on these experiences, I think it was so much more than just teaching us to be responsible and hard-working humans. I think my dad just liked being with us. Dad loved spending his free time coaching and watching us play soccer. He loved taking us out to eat, and yes, he loved involving us in his home projects. He wanted to spend as much time with his kids as he could.

That sums up my dad to me. He enjoyed spending time with the people he loved. He spent every vacation visiting family and friends and enjoyed the company of all he loved. I don’t think my mom and dad ever took a trip that didn’t involve visiting someone along the way.

My dad valued my mom, my brother and me, his grandkids, and all his family, including the friends he chose. He enjoyed making them laugh, sharing stories, and breaking bread. May his legacy be the love he shared and the family and friends who are better for having known him.


Doug was born December 4, 1946, in Ithaca, New York. The 4th child of 6, he spent most of his childhood moving around the country while his dad built bowling alleys. Living in Ohio, Georgia, and Florida, and finally settling in Bloomington, California, he graduated from Colton High School. Soon after, he enlisted in the Army, becoming a military policeman stationed in Germany.

There he met his bride, a young teacher, Beate, known by most as Neini. Moving back to Southern California, Doug joined the Colton Police Department where he served the community for over 15 years. After a knee injury, Doug chose another service career: teaching. He taught social studies and economics before becoming a library media teacher in the Rialto Unified School District. He retired from a life of service in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where he became active in the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans and the Pachyderms.

Doug and Neini were married for 54 years and raised two children, Lars and Kristina. Doug’s greatest joy was being an Opa to every “kid” he ever met. He watched all six of his grandchildren grow to adulthood: Nick, Logan, Brenna, Jasmine, Stephanie, and Jeffrey and enjoyed spending any moment he could with them.

Doug went to church every Sunday, looking forward to breakfast after with Neini at Elmer’s. He loved watching old westerns, playing golf, and cheering on the Army West Point Black Knights during football season. He had an incredible sense of humor and enjoyed cracking jokes with those he loved.

He died peacefully in his sleep on February 28, 2024, at 77 years old. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him, especially to all who knew him as Opa.

Heart drawn in red pastels.

It’s About the People Who Surround You

As 2023 comes to a close, I find myself in a bittersweet moment of my life. I have been asked to fill in as an interim principal at an amazing elementary school in my district for the remainder of the school year. While I am humbled, honored, anxious, and seriously excited, leaving students and staff of my current school is not easy. In fact, it’s really hard. The past four and a half years have been the most rewarding of my career. Being an assistant principal of a middle school before, during, and especially after COVID restrictions presented experiences no one ever would have imagined. The books we could write! While it was hard, it was the best job I had ever had. Mostly because I was able to navigate the storms with some of the best people around. My team of educators and support staff made every day fun and rewarding. I am a true believer that you can do anything if you have the right people by your side. While my future is unwritten after June, I need to say goodbye to these incredible humans for now.

Eich Fam,

I will try to get through the day without crying too much, but I wanted to send a “Shout Out” to all of you.

I started at Eich in Fall 2019. That eighth-grade class taught me patience, how to write up suspensions correctly in PowerSchool, and how to love a student even when he breaks your heart. Then all of a sudden, it was March and we were home, trying to get kids to engage on Zoom, all while making tons of videos. (Remember all the videos? Darren missed his calling).

We made it through mask mandates, social distancing, mask protests, and learning loss. (Well, we’re still working on that last one). We have slowly made our way back to this “normal” with our village furnishing students with endless amounts of grace and understanding. Oh, and kindness. Always kindness.

Through all of it, you guys have been my family. You have kept the laughter flowing and the love for students growing. You have taught me to believe in myself, reflect on my shortcomings, persevere, and improve. I owe each of you so much. I could not have asked for a better group of people on this crazy middle school journey. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So, cheers to some of the greatest years of my life! My Eich family has made it worth every moment!

Much love,

Kristina xoxo

Cheers to the past four and a half years and to a new beginning this January. The best thing about making friends at work is they can still be friends outside of work!

Placer County Courthouse Auburn, CA

When Civic Duty Chooses You

Standing in the queue at the courthouse, I was so relieved there were so many people there. That’s a feeling I don’t often have: wanting to be surrounded by a large crowd. I figured the more people in the room the less likely I would be picked. Strangely, though, there was this part of me that knew, just knew it would be my turn. After 33 years of dodging, being excused, and deferring, I was going to be selected to serve on a jury.

As a fan of courtroom shows, real-life court cases, and true crime stories, I was definitely intrigued to be in this situation. Witnessing the judicial process in real time was exciting and educational. But what I was being asked to do was not easy.  At one point during jury selection, the defense attorney asked me how I felt about serving. My reply was, “I am a learner so I’m excited to go through this process, but I feel horribly guilty and hope my team isn’t going to be mad at me.” The idea that I was abandoning my responsibilities, and asking others to pick up the slack while I got a “jury vacation” hit me hard. 

Oh, I forgot to mention: this was a 4-week trial, with only Monday mornings and Wednesdays off. Brutally long. 

I learned many things while serving on a jury. The first is that court attorneys talk too much. I mean way too much. Opening arguments went on for over 30 minutes from each side. If you are a student of Cognitive Load Theory or just a teacher who understands students, you know that the human brain cannot process new information for that long. Even as the trial progressed, I often zoned out, even nodded off, due to having no opportunities to process information. Keep in mind this was a highly technical trial with lots of tedious information. (There were literally carts full of binders as evidence). Luckily we were provided with paper and pens. I wrote over 15 pages of notes during the course of the trial, more than most of my college coursework. Of course, there may have been more doodles than actual information.

Another lesson I learned was the power of a collective group. The weight of deciding if someone’s life would be forever altered by criminal charges, jail time, and financial ruin is not an easy burden to hold. There were many nights I lay awake thinking of the seriousness of the task at hand. We were tasked with making sure there was no reasonable doubt. None. As a compassionate and empathetic person, it was not always easy to separate those feelings from facts. However, once we were able to deliberate and discuss as an entire jury, it was so comforting to know we were making a collective decision. I was lucky that we all saw the case the same way and easily came to a verdict.

I still feel horribly guilty for the time I missed at work.  The stress of the responsibility of serving was also no joke. By the end of the four weeks, I was emotionally drained and happy to get back to normal. I am thankful for the learning and growth of the experience, but I certainly would never want to do it again during the school year.

If you want to read about the case, this article is a short summary. If you want to know more, hit me up and we can discuss it over a beverage.

school bus

The Highs and Lows of Driving a Broken Bus

Recently, I was asked what I thought were my highs and lows of this school year. Taking a moment, I realized for someone who is normally reflective and contemplative, I had not even given myself the chance this year to do either. It seems that this year was more like driving a bus at high speeds, on fire, with its wheels falling off. No time to stop and think. No time to breathe. It was truly the hardest year of my 18 years in education. I know I am not alone in this. Please. Hug a teacher and anyone who works in schools. Just ask the custodians about the side effects of this year. Flying carrots, bags and packaged food debris, and the amount of food waste, made for extra messy campuses. But I digress.

I was able to quickly find my low. It was the only time where I felt it. I internalized it all. It was the only moment that I knew I could do nothing to help my teachers and students. It was the week of the mask protests. What started as five to eight kids in the library, quickly started to gain momentum. My admin team, counselors and I were taking turns trying to provide students with the curriculum. We were talking to our parents, trying to not make enemies of our families. Many of those conversations were not pleasant, with so many people filled with emotion. Yet, this was not our fight. We only wanted what was best for all children, while following the direction of the state. By day three we had over 50 protestors and by day five a quarter of our school was showing up in the multi-purpose room, ready to join. A few were truly protesting, but as these things go, many saw it as a way to hang out with their friends and not go to class. There was little learning happening that week. It was truly the most frustrating and lowest moment of the year.

Nonetheless, I will always remember the highs. These are too many to list, for sure. I can assure you that most include my admin team and counselors, as does the one that stands at the forefront. My biggest success this year was standing at promotion and looking out at so many faces of kids who grew academically and emotionally this year. In August, we had a fight on the second day of school. The second day! And it didn’t stop there. From fighting, to “Devious Licks” vandalism, to foul language and bullying, there were a lot of students who sat in my office, along with my partner’s, and my principal’s office. A lot. There were a lot of parent meetings. A lot of meetings with students and teachers. A lot of counselor referrals. A lot of tears were shed, parents and students alike. My partner and I learned more about restorative practices this school year than I learned during the last five years. We were fixing those bus tires while the bus was on fire and still moving. We began to get very creative with our thinking. We had students work with our Functional Skills classes, gaining empathy and responsibility. We had students research the history of words and apologize to other students that were hurt. There were days and months of students watching videos, reflecting, responding, and apologizing. For many students, appropriate behavior became their most important subject in school.

Our teachers were putting in overtime, too. Working with students to build relationships, reteaching expectations, and simply not giving up on kids. I must add as well that we have two new, phenomenal counselors on my site. In my career, I have never seen two people work as hard as those counselors did this year. (I keep telling them that it isn’t always like this!) The efforts we made with students were immense. I am so proud of the work we put in, the creative thinking involved and the commitment my staff had to meet the needs of every student.

I am so grateful for the work this year and the knowledge that resulted from all that work. Of course, I am looking forward to a smoother year, a year where the bus is already in good shape, and we just need to add gas. Although, if the bus happens to break down, I am not concerned. We have the tools ready to work on it!

Cartoon Panic

Zero Days Without Being Yelled At

I have been reading a lot of articles lately about schools. None of them are shocking. Anyone who has taken a step in a school this year knows it. This is the worst year of education most of us have ever seen. The kids are not okay. The teachers are not okay. Even the overly patient para educators, librarians, custodians, and secretaries– none of them are okay. We are still in the midst of a global pandemic, trying to navigate what has happened before and what continues to wreak havoc. We keep trying to carry on and “get back to normal,” but we really need to stop and recognize, this year is not normal.

I made a joke once that I need a sign in my office where I can note how many days it has been since I have been yelled at, kind of like the OSHA signs for injuries in a workplace. I may not be able to note a day. My front office staff, some of the kindest and most understanding people you’ll ever meet, get hit the hardest. Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t complain about policies or Covid restrictions, often very unpleasantly. My staff smile and nod, knowing that the frustration is not personal. Still, it breaks my heart that they are treated this way.

Having this last week off to spend time with family and friends and being able to take a step back from things, I realized just how stressful school is right now. The muscles in my back actually relaxed a bit this week. Don’t get me wrong. I love my job. I get to have great conversations with students, help teachers with everything from tech support to class coverage, and basically problem solve all day long. It is never boring and usually quite rewarding. Nevertheless, more than ever educators are getting beat up. They are dealing with behavior from students that is unusually difficult to manage and time consuming. They are dealing with frustrated parents. Plus they have their own stress– with quarantines for their own children and the uncertainty of the availability of substitute coverage.

My point in writing this is not to tell the same story that schools are not okay, but to say, we must continue to support educators in any way we can. That means every person that works on campus. From the gardening staff to the attendance clerk, they all show up to serve our students. Each of them value an education for every child. We all want schools to stay open and continue to bring some normalcy to our communities.

Please, just be kind to all who show up to work.

And if you need to yell at someone, call your friendly assistant principal. You can yell at me. Anytime. I’ll gladly take it for my team.

Kids Jumping

Learning Loss is the Least of Our Worries

“It is not important that my students like me. It is important that they respect me.” In 1995, when I went on my first interview for a teaching job, this was an answer I was instructed to give during my credential program. After decades in the classroom, and now two years in administration, I can honestly say how absurd that statement is and frankly, a load of crap. Students absolutely need to like a teacher, but more importantly feel loved in return. Otherwise, minimal learning will happen.

“I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess tremendous power to make a student's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a student humanized or de-humanized.”-H Ginott

My oldest just graduated from high school. Yesterday, we were sitting around chatting and I asked her who her favorite teachers had been through the years. For each she mentioned, I followed up by asking her why. Overwhelmingly, her answers included words like “learned a lot in that class.” But she then continued to include ways the teacher showed kindness, understanding and created an environment of fun. When I ask students at my school the same questions, I get similar answers. Of course the ones sitting in my office because of an issue in class spill the opposite story. I can’t tell you how many times troubled students will say, “The teacher doesn’t like me.” While this can be unpacked a million ways, the truth is, this child does not have a positive relationship with the teacher. The teacher is not solely to blame, but as educators we at least need to seek out the reasons why.

How often do we have students who come to us broken? Too often. I recently read What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry. Dr. Perry mentions it is estimated that anywhere from 30%-50% of children in the public school system have significant early trauma. Many students have never learned how to regulate themselves. I’m sure every teacher can picture a student like this from memory. We have tried so hard to get this student to do their work and not interfere with the learning of others. Unfortunately, we fail over and over. This student needs far more than the classroom teacher who gently encourages. This student needs a village, a community.

Now I am not going to spend days (because I could) explaining every small nugget I learned from this book. I will simply point out one– we as educators have an important job to do in building a community for all children. Dr. Perry emphasizes that to build resilience from trauma or even social isolation (which we have seen this last year), students need a group of people who help regulate them. They need friends. They need adult support. They need a community where they feel they belong. They need teachers who care about them. This is what we need to do the minute every student steps foot on our campus this fall: build a supportive community.

“Either we spend time meeting children's emotional needs by filling their cup with love or we spend time dealing with the behaviors caused from the unmet needs. Either way we spend the time.”-Pam Leo

As educators we know this. We do. But this coming school year the focus will likely be dealing with the “learning loss” of the COVID 19 Pandemic. We might feel overwhelmed to jump right into math and reading lessons. First, though, we must deal with the social deficiencies our students (even the ones who were on campus) endured this past school year.

So, on your summer to do list add: (1) Plan time to build community and relationships the first weeks of school and of course, (2) READ (or listen to) What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing. Your students and you need it.

Man with hand held up like Darth Vader

Mind what you have Learned

In Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, during his Jedi training with Yoda, Luke has a vision of his friends in trouble, a possible future of their deaths. He decides to leave Dagobah and suspend his training to save Han and Leia. Luke is just beginning to understand his powers and control the force, but feels the pull to abandon that training because of the love of his friends. Yoda warns Luke that he is not ready. A Force Ghost Obi Wan also pleads with Luke, “This is a dangerous time for you, when you will be tempted by the dark side of the force.”

My district’s board of education voted Thursday to return to school for five days, all students. While I’m super excited to see students again, I recognize, like Obi Wan, that many of us are not yet ready. This could be a dangerous time for us. And not just because of the risk of getting sick. The dark side of teaching is tempting us to return to a time before our training. A time where we didn’t use the tools available for us to provide equity and access for all our students. Like Luke’s time on Dagobah, our training has gone well during distance learning. Couple that with in person interactions with students in the classroom, that’s Master Level Jedi Teaching. 

As we return to our physical classrooms with students, we must be mindful of our training. Sure, it’s still going to be a bit weird with masks, distancing, temperature checks and sanitizing at hyperspeed, but we cannot forget all the Jedi tricks we used in teaching remotely. Those tools need to be brought into the classroom. 

So, what would Master Yoda, 2020 Teacher do? 

  • First, he would continue to post all his assignments in his Learning Management System (Google Classroom, Schoology, Otus). This ensures access for all students, even those who are absent. 
  • Second, he would keep making videos! Having lessons on a video so students can go back and rewatch and use closed captioning, gives so many more kids multiple opportunities to learn.
  • Third, he would keep using video conferencing. Holding office hours after school for small group interventions is such a powerful tool to reach kids who need a little bit of extra help. 
  • Next, He would use a backchannel. Ryan O’Donnell, my CapCUE buddy, said when he went back hybrid, he missed the chat in Zoom. Why not keep it up in the classroom? Use Padlet or even a Google Doc to keep the conversation going while you are teaching. 
  • Lastly, Yoda would not forget all the tools he used just to get kids engaged. Kahoot, Flipgrid, Desmos, PearDeck, NearPod, EdPuzzle, etc. have not only been effective in teaching skills and content, they have gotten kids excited about learning. 

As our districts move towards in person instruction, let us remember the words of Master Yoda, “Strong is Vader. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.” You are a Jedi teacher. Just remember your training. Don’t be tempted by the dark side. We have learned so much over the last six months. Take it with you to the classroom. It will save you.

E-mc2 written on chalkboard

Distance Heroes

Today is National Teacher Appreciation Day, and it is my first as an administrator. I wanted to take a moment to share how enormously impressed I am with the teachers at my school, my district, throughout the state, heck the whole world! Being on the other side of the classroom, observing from the back, I am constantly impressed by the commitment teachers show each and every day to kids. Our kids. But now? Now, I am blown away with what teachers have done.With little notice, tech experience, or knowledge of the pedagogy behind distance learning (yes, it is different), our schools are open for kids, staffed with open minds and open hearts.

My admin team meets with our teachers (via Google Hangouts) weekly. When I ask teachers how I can help, the first answer is always, “Can you get the kids to complete work?” Getting kids to do any work and just show up has been such a challenge for most teachers. So many kids struggle doing work at home. Homes are either not a great environment or just have too many distractions. It’s hard for us as adults, but kids have a hard time even seeing the benefit of turning off Netflix, putting down the video game controller and learning about Reconstruction or the physics of a roller coaster. Of course, in the defense of all students, especially teenagers, it is Spring after all. 

Another significant struggle teachers are facing is that they did not sign up to be online teachers. They are in this job because they love building relationships with kids. As my neighbor told me about her 5th graders, “I wasn’t done with them.” They didn’t get to do the last three months of school which are truly the most fun for teachers. It is when students show us what they learned. It is the time of projects, presentations, and all the gems that fill teachers’ buckets. Spring is the best time of the school year. Hosting a Zoom call is not exactly the Spring showcase to a year’s worth of student growth.

Through this all, our teachers have been persevering. They’ve learned Zoom, FlipGrid, EdPuzzle, Google Classroom and all the ways to keep track of the onslaught of digital submissions and email threads. They’ve reached out to kids via phone, email and even driven to houses. Above all, teachers love their students. Quarantine isn’t going to stop that love from radiating from the homebound classrooms. Whether it’s from bedrooms, closets, or kitchen tables, teachers are proving once again that they are my heroes. So, thank you for caring, thank you for adapting and thank you for loving our kids. We appreciate you!